Hände weg von Syrien – Eine dringende Botschaft für den Frieden angesichts der Gefahr eines größeren Krieges

Am 13. Oktober veröffentlichten 158 Organisationen aus zahlreichen Ländern und mehrere hundert Einzelpersonen auf englisch den Aufruf »USA – Hände weg von Syrien«. Er liegt seit dem 17. Oktober auf deutsch vor.

Der unterstützenswerte Friedens-Appell wurde von US-amerikanischen Organisationen, wie dem International Action Center IAC, der United National Antiwar Coalition UNAC und dem U.S. Peace Council sowie bekannten Aktivisten wie Ramsey Clark, McGovern und Cindy Sheehan initiiert.

»» hier unterzeichnen: http://handsoffsyriacoalition.net

Zuvor war eine vom US-Friedensrat organisierte "Fact-Finding"-Delegation mit Vertreter mehrerer US-Antikriegsorganisationen  in Syrien gewesen um sich vor Ort ein Bild zu machen.
(Berichte auf seiner Homepage: http://uspeacecouncil.org/?p=3019, auf dt.nur bei RT: "US-Delegation kehrt von Syrien-Reise zurück: "Der Westen betreibt massive Propaganda!")

Einen genaueren Einblick vom Geschehen in Aleppo hat sicher der Erzbischof der Maroniten von Aleppo Joseph Tobij, hier findet man die dt. Übersetzung eines Interviews des christlichen Portals mit ihm: Krieg in Syrien - Teil eines Weltkriegs - Interview mit Erzbischof Joseph Tobji von Aleppo, NRhZ, 26.10.2016
Am Ende sind auch 5 Forderungen an den Westen, aufgeführt, zuvor in einer Pressekonferenz im Parlament in Rom aufstellte und begründete:

1. Schluss mit dem Waffenverkauf
2. Zufluss von Terroristen über die türkische Grenze beenden.
3. Schluss mit den Gehaltszahlungen an Terroristen
4. Die unmoralischen Wirtschaftssanktionen aufheben
5. Helft uns, das Leben wieder aufzubauen. Unterstützt Versöhnung und Übereinkünfte zwischen den ethnischen und religiösen Gemeinschaften.


Hände weg von Syrien – Eine dringende Botschaft für den Frieden angesichts der Gefahr eines größeren Krieges.

Wir erheben unsere Stimmen gegen die Gewalt des Krieges und den enormen Druck von Kriegspropaganda, Lügen und einer politischen Agenda, die verwendet werden, um diesen Krieg und jeden der vergangenen Kriege der USA zu rechtfertigen.

Wir, die unterzeichneten Organisationen und Einzelpersonen, unterstützen die folgenden „Punkte der Einheit“ und werden als Ad-hoc-Koalition zusammenarbeiten, um zu helfen, die Regimewechsel-Intervention durch die USA, die NATO und ihre regionalen Verbündeten und die Tötung unschuldiger Menschen in Syrien zu beenden.

Basierend auf diesen Punkten der Einheit vereinbaren wir als Einzelpersonen und Organisationen – in einer Ad-hoc-Koalition – folgende Forderungen und verpflichten uns, gemeinsam daran mitzuwirken:

Nur in einem friedlichen und unabhängigen Syrien, das frei von ausländischer Aggressionen ist, können die Syrer ihre Souveränitätsrechte frei ausüben, ihren freien Willen ausdrücken und freie Entscheidungen über ihre Regierung und die Führung ihres Landes treffen.

Wir fordern alle Unterstützer des Friedens und des Rechts auf Selbstbestimmung der Völker auf der ganzen Welt auf, sich uns in Zusammenarbeit anzuschließen, um diese humanitären Forderungen zu erfüllen.

Wir benötigen Arbeitsplätze, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung und ein Ende der rassistischen Gewalt der Polizei in den USA, und keine US-Kriege im Ausland!


Falls es Probleme bei der Unterzeichnung auf der Webseite in den USA geben sollten, kann man die Angaben auch gern an email@hbuecker.net  senden. Wir leiten es dann weiter.

UNTERZEICHNER (Stand 15.10.2016):

Akademie Solidarische Akademie, Germany
AKF, Germany
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice (Chicago)
Alliance for Global Justice
Al-Awda — Palestine National Right to Return Coalition
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)
All India Anti-Imperialist Forum, India
Alternative Media — Ireland
American Party of Labor
ANSWER Coalition
Antiwar Committee — Chicago
Antiwar Committee — Minneapolis
Antiwar Committee — Tampa
Antiwar Committee — Tucson
Antiwar Committee — Utah
Arab Americans for Syria
Arab Women Progressive League
Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik – atomwaffenfreies Europa e. V., Berlin, Germany
Arbeitskreis Marburger WisxsenschaftlerInnen für Friedens – und Abrüstungsforschung (AMW) — Germany
Associazione per la Pace di Pordenone, Italy
Auszeithaus, Germany
BAYAN – Philippine Coalition
Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Bike Arts Artist/Environment Forum, Toronto, Canada
Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations
British Afro-Asian Organisation
Mohammed Arif, Gen. Secretary
Buffalo Anti Racism Coalition
Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD), Australia
Casa de las Lenguas, Texas
Chicago Area CodePINK
Citizens of the World — Canada
Coalition of Arab Canadian Professionals and Community Associations
Cognitive Liberty, Californian, USA
Columbus Campaign for Arms Control
Comite Surveillance OTAN, Bruxelles, Belgique
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression — NYC
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação / Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation
Consejo de la juventud de Torrelavega, Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain
Coop Anti-War Cafe, AntikriegTV, Berlin, Germany
CT 9/11 Truth
Dallas Left Alliance
Democracy TV Berlin, Germany
Democracy without Borders, Canada
Deutscher Freidenkerverband, Berlin, Germany
Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
DKP, Germany
Earth Neighborhood
Ecumenical Peace Institute Clergy and Laity Concerned
Ecumenical Women’s Forum — Philippines
El Movimiento Meicano Por la Paz Y el Desarollo (MOMPADE) — Mexico
Far Eastern Press
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice — Canada
FLC-CGIL Trade Union University of Florence (Italy)
Frente Socialista de Puerto Rico
Friedensbewegung 2015 (Peace Movement), Thale, Germany
Foro Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN (Spain)
Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition — NYC
Frome Stop War, UK
Fronte Popolare (Italia)
Galway Alliance Against War, Ireland
Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition, USA
Greater New Haven Peace Council, Connecticut
Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
Hands Off Syria (Australia)
House of Creative Writing, Michigan, USA
Houston Peace Council
Houston Communist Party
Humanistischer Landesverband Thüringen e.V., Jena, Germany
ImaginAction Theatre, Sierra Madre, California
In Service to Humankind of Planet Earth, Washington DC
International Action Center
International Anti-imperialist Coordinating Committee, Kolkata, India
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
International Indigenous Society, Georgia, USA
International-Lawyers.Org, Geneva, Switzerland
Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte, Germany
International League of Peoples Struggle – U.S.
Jersey City Peace Movement, New Jersey, USA
Just Peace Qld Australia
Koalition des Widerstands, Berlin, Germany
Labor Fightback Network, New Jersey, USA
Labor Union Advocates
Los Alamos Study Group — AZ
Maine Social Justice — Public Access TV Show
Malcolm X Center
Manu Waiata Restoration & Protection Society, Ltd, New Zealand
Melbourne May Day Committee, Australia
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO) — Canada
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center, California, USA
Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg
New Afrikan Independence Party (NAIP)
New Jersey Peace Council
New Orleans Workers Group, USA
No NATO List, Rome, Italy
No Nukes No War — CT
Northeast Iowa Peace and Justice Committee
Northeast Philly for Peace and Justice
NoWar — Casa internazionale delle donne, Roma, Italy
No War Net — Rome, Italy
Nowar-Paix, Ottawa, Canada
Oma, Nokia, Finland
One State Assembly
One World Media, Berlin, Germany
One World Life Systems, New York
Ontario Civil Liberties Association, Canada
Orange County Healthcare For All!
Our Revolution Los Angeles
PädagogInnen für den Frieden, Hamburg, Germany
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, New York
Pax Christi — Clinton, Iowa
PDA Chicago
Peace, Bochum, Germany
Peace Action of San Mateo County, California
Peace Forum Sangerhausen, Germany
Peace Roots Alliance — Tennessee
PeaceWorks, Maine
Peoples Organization for Progress
Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League
People Demanding Action, Florida
Peoples’ Liberation Front — JVP, Srilanka
Peoples Opposition to War, Imperialism & Racism — POWIR (Florida)
Popular Resistance
Popular Committee in Defense of Syria
Portuguese Institute of Higher Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences
Project NatureConnect, Los Angeles, USA
Queers Without Borders — Hartford CT
Return Now Coalition
Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice, Wisconsin, USA
Rochester Peace Action and Education
Rumble of the People, New Mexico, USA
Samizdat: Socialist Prisoners Project, Wisconsin
San Diego County Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party of California
Seniora.org, Zurich, Switzerland
Socialist Action
Socialist Action — Ligue pour l’Action Socialiste, Canada
SOLVE, Florida, USA
South Asian Fund For Education, Scholarship & Training (SAFEST)
South Coast People For Peace and Justice
Southern Human Rights Organizers’ Conference – SHROC
Spirit of Eureka (Victoria – Australia)
St. Pete for Peace
Stop the War Machine
Strength Through Peace, an affiliate of the Fort Collins Community Action Network, Colorado
Students for a Democratic Society — SDS
Students for a Democratic Society (Angelina College Chapter), Texas
Students for a Democratic Society at University of Houston
Students for Justice in Palestine at Fordham University, New York
Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, Sweden
Swedish Peace Council
Syria Solidarity Movement
Syrian American Forum
Syrian American Will Association – SAWA
Syrian Social Club Community in the UK (Dr. Issa Chaer, Co-founder)
The Expatriates Association of Syrians in Canada
The Pacific Institute of Resource Management, Wellington, New Zealand
Topanga Peace Alliance and MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
United National Antiwar Coalition — UNAC
United Opt Out National
United Steelworkers Local 8751
Unleashed (Anarcho-Liberation)
Upstate New York Drone Action
U.S. Peace Council
ver.di, Braunschweig, Germany
Veterans For Peace / Chapter 021 — Northern New Jersey
Veterans For Peace Chapter 111, Bellingham, WA
Veterans for Peace — Ireland
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
Walden Three, Wien, Austria
War is Unacceptable to Consciousness
Whores Against Wars, New Zealand
Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement
WisxsenschaftlerInnen für Friedens – und Abrüstungsforschung (AMW) — Germany
Wolf’s Enterprises Human and Civil Rights Advocacy
Women Against Military Madness — WAMM
Women for Peace, Finland
World 5.0
World Peace Council (WPC)

Individual Signers (in alphabetical order):

Jim Abourezk, Former U.S. Senator, South Dakota
Judith Ackerman, WIB,* new york
Jairo Aja Garcia, Ex-vicepresidente, Consejo de la juventud de Torrelavega, Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain
Arena Alessio, General Secretary, Fronte Popolare,* Italy
Akubundu Amazu, Central Committee Member, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
Robert Anderson, Co-Director, Stop the War Machine
Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Mitglied beim Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie,* Potsdam, Germany
Masad Arbid, M.D., Arab – Americans for Syria*
Mohammed Arif, General Secretary, British Afro-Asian Organisation
Hector Aristizabal, Director, ImaginAction Theatre, Sierra Madre, California
Lee Artz, Professor, Media Studies, Purdue Northwest,* Indiana
Kenneth Ashe, Veterans for Peace,* Marshall, North Carolina
Karen Ashikeh, Founder, Earth Neighborhood, Fremont, California
Christopher Assad, The Expatriates Association of Syrians in Canada
Margli Auclair, Director, Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center, Walnut Creek, California
Dr. Georg Auernheimer, Univ. Prof. em., Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte
Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan Africa News Wire
Kazem Azin, Co-founder, Solidarity Iran — SI, USA
Romina Beitseen, Secretary, Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD), Australia
Richard Baker, Fronte Popolare, Italy
Ajama Baraka, Human Rights Defender
William Barklay, In Service toHumankind of Planet Earth, Washington DC, USA
Peter Barrett, President, Pacific Institute of Resource Management,* Wellington, New Zealand
Mary Beaudoin, Women Against Military Madness,* Minnesota, USA
Daniel Becker, Deutscher Freidenker Verband,* Berlin, Germany
Dr. Johannes Mari Becker, Senior Researcher, Arbeitskreis Marburger
Vanessa Beeley, Independent Journalist and Photographer
Mike Beilstein, City Councilor,* Corvallis, Oregon
Judith Bello, Member of Admin Committee, UNAC; Rochester Peace Action and Education
William Bianchi, Chair, PDA Chicago
Thomas Bias, National Secretary, Labor Fightback Network, New Jersey, USA
Toby Blomé, CODEPINK, SF Bay Area Chapter,* California, USA
Max Bollock, Board Member, San Mateo County Peace Action,* USA
Anne Bowers, Women in Black,* New York, USA
Vincenzo Branid, Spokesman, No War Net / No NATO List — Rome (Italy)
Jimmy Brash, Editorial Board Member, The North Star website,* Parsippany-Troy Hills, new Jersey
Charles Britz, Appalachian Left,* Huntington, West Virginia
Keith Brooks, UFT Retiree, NWU,* New York, USA
Bob Brown, Organizer, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) — USA
Mattie Boyd, Workers World Party,* Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vincenzo Brandi, Spokesman, No War Net Rome / No NATO List — Italy
Daniel Brown, Director, Rite of Strings, Modern Guitar Tuition, Cockburn Central, Australia
Annette Brownlie, President, Just Peace Qld Australia
Minnie Bruce Pratt, UAW Local 1981/ National Writers Union*
Kim Bryan, General Secretary,* Socialist Labour Party (Great Britain)
Heinrich Buecker, Coop Anti-War Cafe, AntikriegTV, Berlin, Germany
Doug Bullock, Legislator, Albany County,* USA
Kerry Burch, Professor, Northern Illinois University,* USA
Mark Burton, Member of the Board, Alliance for Global Justice
Gregory Butterfield, National Organization of Legal Services Workers, UAW Local 2320,* New York, USA
Mike Caggiano, President, Peace Action of San Mateo county, California
Traian Cainaru, USFSP,* New York, USA
Luke Callinan, Political Organiser, Sinn Féin,* Ireland
Candace Carnicelli, Executive Director, Common Peace,* California, USA
Alfonse Casal, National Spokesperson, American Party of Labor
Elizabeth Case, Dorchester People for Peace,* Boston, Massachusetts
Isabelle Casel, Die Linke,* WIIS,* attac DPG,* Bonn, Germany
Liane Casten, Co-Chair, Citizens Act to Protect Our Water (CAPOW!)*
John Catalinotto, Managing Editor, Workers World newspaper,* USA
Sara Catalinotto, Delegate, UFT Local 2/MORE Caucus,* New York
John Chadwick, Magistrate of Visa Application,* Bellingham, Sashington State
Frank Chapman, Field organizer, Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression*
Courtney Childs, CCDS, Corvallis Chapter,* Oregon
K. R. Chowdry, President, All India Anti-imperialist Forum, Kokata, India
Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General & Human Rights Attorney
Polet Claudine, Comite Surveillance OTAN, Bruxelles, Belgique
Lynn Comerford, Professor, California State University — East Bay*
Shahid Comrade, Secretary General, Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, New York
Gerry Condon, National Board Vice President, Veterans For Peace*
James Connolly, Administrator, Connecticut Progressives FB Page
Sheila Coombes, Founder and Coorinator, Frome Stop War, UK
Len Cooper, Melbourne May Day Committee, Australia
Heather Cottin, Long Island Committee Against US Wars,* Freeport, New York
Ian Cox, Vice-Chair, Students for a Democratic Society (Angelina College Chapter), Texas
Pastor Michael-Vincent Crea, Founder & Pastor One World Life Systems, New York
Cheryl Curtis, Ct 9/11 Truth
Christine Curtiss, Arlington Street Church,* Boston, Massachusetts
Kenneth Dalton, Veterans For Peace, Chapter 21,* New Jersey, U.S.A.
Claudine Dauphin, Archaeologist and Historian of the Middle East, Paris, France
Nicolas J. S. Davies, Author of Blood On Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq, Florida, USA
Erin Davis, Ancaster Discovery Gardens,* Ancaster, Canada
Susan E. Davis, National Writers Union, UAW 1981,* New York
Ian Decker, National Organizer, Students for a Democratic Society (National);* Organizer, Students for a Democratic Society @UofU,* Utah
Kimberly DeFranco, Welfare Rights Committee,* Minnesota, USA
Luana DeJesus, Buffalo Anti Racism Coalition, New York, USA
Joe Delaplaine, Organizer, Party for Socialism and Liberation,* California
Francesco Delledonne, Fronte Popolare (Italia)
Judith Deutsch, Past President, Science for Peace,* Toronto, Canada
Kate Dewes, Coordinator, Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
Jadranka Dierkes, Peace, Bochum, Germany
Lucas Dietsche, Organizer, Samizdat: Socialist Prisoners Project, Wisconsin
Cheryl Distaso, Coordinator, Strength Through Peace, an affiliate of the Fort Collins Community Action Network, Colorado
Said Dodin, Gründer, One World Media, Berlin, Germany
Curtis Doebbler, Officer, International-Lawyers.Org, Geneva, Switzerland
Denis Doherty, National Coordinator, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
Arthur Donart, Deacon, Pax Christi — Clinton, Iowa
Mary Catherine Dundon, SSND, Retired, School Sisters of Notre Dame,* Wisconsin
Frank Dorrel, Publisher, ADDICTED To WAR, California, USA
Nicolas Dryansky, UNAC,* New York
Henry Duke, M.D., Medical Director, Orange County Healthcare For All!
Berthony Dupont, Haiti Liberté Newspaper,* New York, USA
Sandy Eaton, South Shore Coalition for Human Rights — Massachusetts,* USA
Irene Eckert, Board Member, Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik – atomwaffenfreies Europa e. V., Berlin, Germany
Nick Egnatz, NW Indiana Veterans For Peace*
Bernie Eisenberg, HP Boycott Campaign,* California
Irene Eckert, Board Member, AKF, Berlin, Germany
Debra Ellis, Cognitive Liberty, Californian, USA
Chris Ernesto, St. Pete for Peace
Wolfgang Fabricius, Leitungskreis, Akademie Solidarische Akademie, Germany
Niall Farrel, Galway Alliance Against War, Ireland
Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chairman, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, Sweden
Rachelina Ferrecchia, Fronte Popolare,* Italy
Maria Ilda Figueiredo, Chairperson, Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação / Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation
Andrew Fink, Party for Socialism and Liberation,* Illinois
Mary Lou Finley, Co-Chair, San Diego County Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party of California
Anita Fisicaro, Nowar, Italy
Terence Fitzgibbons, Veterans For Peace,* New Jersey, USA
Irene Flachsbart, Friedenskoordination,* Berlin, Germany
Margaret Flowers, M.D., Green Party Candidate for Senate; Co-Director, It’s Our Economy*
Haelg Franz, Obmann, Auszeithaus, Germany
Wolfram Freiling, Peace Party,* Germany
Carl Gentile, CEO, Labor Union Advocates, Maryland, USA
Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space*
Robin Gaura, Teacher, Diamond Mountain University,* Santa Cruz, California
Carol Gay, President, NJ State Industrial Union Council,* USA
Franziska Genitsch, Swiss Peace Movement,* Switzerland
Frank Geppert, Thale, Germany
Peter Gerlinghoff, Speaker, Peace Forum Sangerhausen, Germany
Jürgen Geppert, Kommunistische Partei Deutschland*
Bradley Geyer, Veterans for Peace-Chapter 175,* Janesville WI; Iraq Veterans Against War,* Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3589*—Jefferson, WI
Subrata Ghoshroy, Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology*
John Gilbert, Secretary, FLC-CGIL Trade Union University of Florence (Italy)
Ayesha Gill, IWW,* Oakland, California
Steven Gillis, Financial Secretary, United Steelworkers Local 8751
Daniel Gilman, President, Veterans For Peace Chapter 92,* Greater Seattle
Mike Gimbel, Retired Executive Board Member, Local 375 AFSCME,* Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania
Greg Godels, Co-Director, Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League
Tayfun Gol, Co-Director, Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League
Flávio Gonçalves, Chairman, Instituto de Altos Estudos em Geopolítica e Ciências Auxiliares — Portuguese Institute of Higher Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences, Amadora, Portugal
Socorro Gomes, President, World Peace Council (WPC)
Therese Gonzalez, Collectif de soutien aux réfugies,* Abriès, France
Trevor Goodger-Hill, Citizens of the World, Canada
Bob Goodman Steering Committee Member, Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition
Martha Grevatt, Trustee, UAW Local 869,* Michigan, USA
Eldon Grossman, Veterns For Peace,* Chicago, Illinois
Joachim Guilliard, Forum against Militarism and War,* Heidelberg, Germany
Maria Gabriella Guidetti, NoWar — Casa internazionale delle donne, Roma, Italy
Margaret Guttshall, Green Party,* Candidate for Wayne State University Board of Governors, Michigan
Evelyn Haas, Member of Executive Committee, Northeast Philly for Peace and Justice
Hermann Haberl, Mitglied, Gewerkschafter gegen Atomenergie und Krieg,* Wien, Austria
Henry Hagins, Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition — NYC
Abbas Hamideh, al-Awda Steering Committee*
Joseph Hancock, Movement for People’s Democracy
Donald Hank, Laigles Forum, Florida
Tamara Hansen, National Coordinator, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice — Canada
Sue Harris, Peoples Video Network
Klaus Hartmann, President, World Union of Freethinkers / German Freethinkers Association
Jorge Herrera, Director of the Program, Oye Latino Radio program at Access Radio 783 AM*
Mrs. Harriet Heywood, Florida Coordinator, People Demanding Action
S. Hedgecoke, CWA 14156,* New York
Patrick Higgins, Students for a Democratic Society at UH
Joseph Hickey, Executive Director, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, Canada
Jaribu Hill, Human Rights Defender
Fred Hirsch, Labor Council Delegate, Plumbers and Fitters Local 393,* California
Herbert Hoffman, Veterans for Peace,* Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lydia Howell, Producer, Host of “Catalyst,” KFAI Community Radio, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Joan Hoff, Research Professor of History, Nontana State University,* Bozeman
Veron Hoffman, Bike 4 Peace, Oregon, USA
Julia Hoppe, Secretary, Schweizerische Friedensbewegung (SFB), Basel, Switzerland
Pat Hunt, Chicago Area CodePINK
Edward Horgan, Chairperson, Veterans for Peace — Ireland
Brian Huseby, International Socialist Organization
Joe Iosbaker, Anti-War Committee — Chicago
Sebastian Jahn, Der Stachel Leipzig,* Germany
Joe Jamison, Coordinator, Queens Peace Council*
Heide Janicki, Rentnerin, ver.di, Braunschweig, Germany
Jane Anne Jeffries, L.A. Coordinator, Project NatureConnect
Dale Johnson, Retired Professor, Brava, Costa Rica
Ivar Jordre, Board Member, Latin America Group,* Bergen, Norway
Lars Jørgensen, Researcher, Homo Sociologicus, Denmark
Alicia Jrapko, U.S. Coordinator, International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
Kerry Kappell, Popular Resistance,* New York
Mohd Kassem, Followup Committee, Anti Imperialist Forum, Beirut, Lebanon
Tarak Kauf, National Board Member, Managing Editor, Peace in Our Times, Veterans For Peace*
Chris Kaihatsu RevLeft.com,* Chicago, Illinois
Michael Keefer, Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph,* Toronto, Canada
June Kelly, Editor, Independent Researcher — Alternative Media — Ireland
Jesse Kern, Veterans For Peace,* Saint Petersburg, Florida
Geraroid Kilgallen, Member of Steering Committee, Irish Anti-War Movement*
Margaret Kimberly, Editor and Senior Columnist, Black Agenda Report
Elaine Marie Kinch, founding Member, Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice, Wisconsin, USA
Timothy King, Treasurer, Christians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East,* Indiana
John Kiriakou, former CIA counterterrorism officer and former senior investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Dr. Ansgar Klein, Sprecher, Aachener Aktionsgemeinschaft, “Frieden jetzt!”, Wuerselen, Germany
Gary Kleppe, Chair, York Township Democratic Organization,* Illinois
Cheryl Kozanitas, Board Member, Peace Action of San Mateo County,* California
Michael Kramer, Chapter President, Veterans For Peace — Chapter 021 (Northern New Jersey)*
Vladislaw Krasnow, Russia & America Goodwill Association,* Virginia, USA
Steve Krevisky, Congress of CT Community Colleges,* Connecticut, USA
Guenter Kuesters, Workinggroup, “Geopolitics and Peace,” from Attac and Peace-Forum,* Cologne, Germany
Mike Kuhlenbeck, National Writers Union UAW Local 1981/AFL-CIO,* Des Monies, Iowa
James Lafferty, Executive Director Emeritus, National Lawyers Guild,*
Ray Laforest, Haiti Support Network
John Laforge, Co-Director, NukeWatch
Elisabeth Lauck-Ndayi, Freiburger Friedensforum, Forum Weingarten e.V.,* Germany
Lea Launokari, Women for Peace, Finland
Virginia Lee, Attorney, Law Office of Virginia Curtis Lee, Salt Lake City, Utah
Ed Lehman, Vice President, Regina Peace Council*
Julie, Levine, Co-Director, Topanga Peace Alliance and MLK Coalition of
Greater Los Angeles
John Lewis, Retired Member, UFCW Local 400,* New York
Otmar Lindner, Monitor, OSCE,* Sr. Kanzian, Austria
Joan Livingston, Veterans For Peace,* No-Drones Network,* Boston Massacusetts
Dave Logsdon, President, Veterans For Peace — Chapter 27,* Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Henry Lowendorf, Co-Chair, Greater New Haven Peace Council, Connecticut, USA
David Macilwain, Spokesperson, Australians for Reconciliation in Syria*
Jeff Mackler, National Secretary, Socialist Action, California
Jeff Mackler, The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Northern California
Lisa Makarchuk, Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO),* Toronto, Canada
Issam Makhoul, Chairperson, Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies,* Haifa, USA
Ali Mallah, Steering Committee, Syria Solidarity Movement
Jari Mäntylä, Director, Oma, Nokia, Finland
Alfred Marder, President, U.S. Peace Council
John Marienthal, Former Commissioner, San Jose Human Rights Commission,* California
George Martin, Liberty Tree
Sarah Martin, Co-Chair, Women Against Military Madness,* Minneapolis Minnesota
David Maynard, Seat 1, Hillsborough County Soil and Water Conservation,* Florida
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and Presidential briefer
Jo (Yosi) McIntire, Acroosthe Straits / The Friendship Association,* Florida, USA
Kimberly McKeon, Board Member/Volunteer, Institue for Global Education*
Susan McLucas, Committee for Peace & Human Rights,* Massachusetts
Pat McSweeney Citizens for an Informed Community,* Massachusetts
Rev. F. Mark Mealing, Ph.D., Anglican church of Canada,* Meadow Creek, Canada
Gregory Mello, Executive Director, Los Alamos Study Group
Daniel A. Mengeling, Law Offices of Daniel A. Mengeling, New Mexico, USA
Harry Meserve, Associate Librarian Emeritus, San Jose State University,* Capitola, California
Priscilla & Thomas Metscher, Retired University Teachers, Grafenau, Germany
Thodore Micceri, SOLVE, Florida, USA
Thomas Milcarek, Veterans For Peace,* Santa Cruz, California
Monica Moorehead, US Presidential Candidate, Workers World Party
Amir Mortasawi, Physician and Author, Rotenburg sn der fulda, Germany
Nick Mottern, Knowdrones.com
Manik Mukherjee, General Secretary, International Anti-imperialist Coordinating Committee, Kolkata, India
lois and Maria Mueller-Giebels, Frieden jetzt, Aachen,* Germany
Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Radmila Nastic, University Professor, Belgrade, Serbia
Navid Nasr, Editor-in-Chief, Balkans Post,* Croatia
Donna Nassor, PhD, Human Rights Activist, New Jersey, USA
Jim Newman, JVP,* Evanston, Illinois
Agneta Norberg, Chairwoman, Swedish Peace Council
Efia Nwangaza, Founder/Director, Malcolm X Center
Daniel O’Brien, CDC, London Regional Organizer, Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Sazi Okera, Minister, International Indigenous Society, Georgia, USA
Gunar Olsen, Co-Founder, Vice President, Students for Justice in Palestine at Fordham University, New York
Jon Olsen, Co-Chair, Maine Green Independent Party*
Giovanni Ordanini, Fronte Popolare,* Milan, Italy
Elfi Padovan, Sprecherin, LAG Frieden der LINKEN,* Munich, Germany
Elayne Pallistan, Facebook Editor, Neighbors For Peace*
Manuel Pardo, Secretary, Foro Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN (Spain)
Nasrin Parsa, Producer, Democracy TV Berlin, Germany
Dhuruv Pathak, Workers World Party,* New York
Rosalie Paul, Organizer, PeaceWorks, Maine
Wolfgang Penzholz, Koalition des Widerstands, Berlin, Germany
Carmencita Peralta, Convenor, Ecumenical Women’s Forum — Philippines
Candida Rosa Perez Flores, Campamento Contra La Junta,* San Juan, Puerto Rico
Sam Petker, Party for Socialism and Liberation,* Stockton, California
Bryan Pfeifer, Coordinator, Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement
Nascent Ping, Creator, War is Unacceptable to Consciousness, New Jersey
Paul Pipkin, Nat’l Committee of GPUS, Candidate for 20th US Congressional Dist of Texas, Green Party*
Rafael Pla-Lopez, Secretary of Internal Communication, PCPV,* Spain
Wendy Pond, Secretary, Manu Waiata Restoration & Protection Society, Ltd, New Zealand
Catherine Pottinger, Program Chair, SEIU 6 Active Retirees,* Washington State, USA
Jim Prues, Director, World 5.0
Trudy Quaif, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Brigitte Queck, Vorsitzende, Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany
Khalid Raheem, Chairman, New Afrikan Independence Party (NAIP), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Felipe Ramos, Frente Socialista de Puerto Rico
Evan Ramsden, Chairperson, Newcastle Peace Group, Lambton, Australia
Dennis Rancourt, PhD, Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association,* Ottawa, Canada
Barry Ranger, Co-Chair, Northwest Iowa Peace and Justice Committee
Elsa Rassbach, Coordinating Committee, UNAC*
Bimal Rathnayake, Member of Parliament, Peoples’ Liberation Front — JVP
Linda Ray, Delegate, San Francisco Labor Council*
Quest Riggs, Treasurer, New Orleans Workers Group, USA
Mary & Rev. Robert Reader, Veterans for Peace,* Coalition for Peace, and Justice,* O. C. Peace and Justice,* etc., New York
Ken Rennery, Organizer, Democracy without Borders, Canada
Neal Resnikoff, Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice / March 19th Anti-War Coalition (Chicago)
Hartmut Ring, PädagogInnen für den Frieden, Hamburg, Germany
Chris Robinson, Membership Secretary, Green Party of Philadelphia*
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel
Bronson Rozier, Organizer, Socialist Action,* Louisville, Kentucky
Carol Rozier, Organizer, Socialist Action,* Louisville, Kentucky
Antonio Rue, Teacher, Marist Brothers,* Libertador, Argentina
Phil Sarazen, Artist Producer, Bike Arts Artist/Environment Forum, Toronto, Canada
Lampros Savvidis, Delegierter, DIE LINKE Steglitz / Zehlendorf,* Berlin
Randal Scamardo, Casa de las Lenguas, Texas
Karen Schieve, Retired member of United Educators of San Francisco*
Ben Sears, AFT (Teachers’ Union — Retired),* USA
Klaus-P. Schleisiek, Attac,* Germany
Einar Schlereth, Writer, Journalist, Translatror, Klavreström, Sweden
Renate Schönfeld, DKP, Germany
Pete Schoonmaker, Veterans For Peace,* Seattle, WA
Dr. Larry Semark, ANSWER,* Albuquerque, New Mexico
Randy Shannon, Secretary, Progressive Democrats of America*
Cindy Sheehan, Anti-War Gold Star Mother
Jeffrey Shurtleff, Volunteer, Amnesty International USA,* California
Marjaliisa Siira, Finnish Peace Committee*
Wm. & Ursula Slavick, Retired Coordinator, Pax Christi Maine*
Meaghan Simpson, Founder/Director, Mending Wheel,* Fortuna, California
Peter Sirois, Producer, Maine Social Justice — Public Access TV Show
Angel Smith, HEAL, Seattle, WA
Ceresta Smith, Administrator, United Opt Out National, Florida
Jack A. Smith, Editor, Hudson Valley Activist Newsletter, New York
Stansfield Smith, Chicago ALBA Solidarity Committee
Günter Sölken, Berlin, Mitglied im Rat von attac Deutschland,*
Louise-Lora Somlyo, Peace Action Maine*
John Spitzberg, Veterans For Peace,* Willow, Alaska
John St. Peter, Peace Action of San Mateo County,* California
Mark Stansbery, Co-Coordinator, Columbus Campaign for Arms Control*
Steven Starr, Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility,* Missouri
Lauren Steiner, Lead Organizer, Our Revolution Los Angeles
Jane Stillwater, President, Century of the Child
Ninie G. Syarikin, House of Creative Writing, Michigan, USA
Claudio Tamagnini, International Solidarity Movement,* Italy
Jay Tharappel, Committee Member, Hands Off Syria, Sidney, Australia
Lesley Thomas, Far Eastern Press
Will Thomas, NH Veterans For Peace*
James Thompson, Chairperson, Houston Peace Council
James Thring, Founder, Ministry of Peace,* London, UK
Ann Tiffany, Syracuse Peace Council,* New York, USA
Dr. June Terpstra, Faculty, NEIU,* Sun City, Arizona
Roberto Torres-Collazo, Encuentro 5*
Loan Tran, Workers World Party,* North Carolina
Wolfgang G. Trapp, Pressebüro,* Germany
Tracey Tully, Anti-war Sex Worker, Whores Against Wars, The Crown, New Zealand
Kerstin Tuomala, Secretary, Lappland’s District Organization, Finnish Peace Committee*
Mark Ugolini, Socialist Action,* Chicago
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Handwerkerin, Berliner Arbeitskreis Uran-Munition,* Germany
Marianne van Ophuijsen, WILPF,* Amsterdam, Nederland
Anton M. Voissem, School Sisters of Notre Dame,* beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Amal Wahda, Arab Women’s Progressive League
Willy Wahl, Seniora.org, Zurich, Switzerland
Monika Rosa Waldkirch, DIE LINKE,* Germany
John Walsh, Come Home America,* California
James Walter, President, Walden Three, Wien, Austria
William H. Warrick, M.D., Veterans For Peace Chapter #14;* Alachua County Green Party,* Gainesville, Florida
Joseph Wasserman, Co-Chair, No Nukes No War
C. T. Weber, Legislative Committee Chair, Peace and Freedom Party of California*
Peter Weinfurth, Journalist, Linke Zeitung,* Ennepetal, Germany
Kay Weir, Editor, Pacific Ecologist, The Pacific Institute of Resource Management, Wellington, New Zealand
Dave Welsh, Delegate, San Francisco Labor Council*
Barbara Williams aka Costelli, Co-Founder, Rumble of the People & The Dare To Dream Network, New Mexico, USA
Danny Williams, Co-Founder, Rumble of the People, New Mexico, USA
S. Brian Willson, Author, Activist, Oregon
Gwen Winter, IBEW Local 340,* Sacramento, California
Shirley Winton, Coordinator, Spirit of Eureka (Victoria – Australia)
Sven Wirzbowitz, Schatzmeister, Humanistischer Landesverband Thüringen e.V., Jena, Germany
Mike Wisniewski, Los Angeles Catholic Worker*
S. Wolf Britain, Wolf’s Enterprises Human and Civil Rights Advocacy, Montana, USA
Jo Wood, Organizer, Nowar-Paix, Ottawa, Canada
Ann Wright, Retired US Army Reserve Colonel and Former US Diplomat
Caroline Yacoub, County Council, Green Party of Santa Clara County*
Omali Yeshitela, Chair, Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations
Eddie Yood, Co-Chair, CWA Local 1180 Committee on People with Disabilities*
Kevin Zeese, Co-Director, Popular Resistance

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